Journey’s End

Friends, we are at the end of Evangeline’s journey. Her last story. It feels super weird to be here, like we just started travelling yesterday, but also like we’ve been driving for forever.

A woman in a car has her hands joyously in the air. Text over the picture sayd !Roadtrip!

I hope you liked the music I played while we drove…

Animated gif of 2 cartoon kids rocking out in the backseat of a car

And the sights we saw:

Luke Skywalker on Hoth, lifting his electrobinoculars

That you were awake for every adventure:

Black banner with all the Alternate Routes covers

And you’re happy with where we ended up.

Seattle skyline against a fiery sunset

I have more stories to tell, but some stuff has come up that means we’ll need to delay our next trip.

I hope you’ll make it easy for me to keep in touch. Subscribe to my newsletter (few emails and a free prequel story), follow my Amazon author page, or like me on Facebook. It would mean the world to me!

Until next time!

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